Since 1967,
The Boxborough Minutemen Company perpetuates the memory of the Minutemen of 1775 and their historic fight for liberty and justice
In Boxborough, MA
If you are not already familiar with Boxborough you will find it as a small New England community filled with a diversity of people, close to transportation and shopping, and a premier school system. It is an ideal place to call your home, and we’re sure you will find the same.
Incorporated in 1783 using land from Littleton, Stow, and Harvard, Boxborough was a farming community. One of its principal exports was apples.
Where woods and houses now stand were many apple and peach orchards. Having long phased out of farming, Boxborough has evolved into a very diverse ethnic, cultural, and socio-economic town. You will fit right in.
Public Service
We are most visible to the community by marching in parades and firing our muskets, but the real essence of the company lies in the work we do to raise funds and distribute to those in need. We also provide in-kind services to those in need of a helping hand. We do it all in the spirit of the 1775 Minutemen that defended our rights and liberties.
Fifer’s Day
Memorial Day Parade
A Civic Organization
Highway cleanup
While we march in parades and perform ceremonial duties we are much more than that. Comradery and having a sense of community is what inspires our membership.
We are open to all men and women over the age of 18. Our town wide annual celebration, Fifer’s Day, is run by the Minutemen in conjunction with the Public Celebrations Committee.
We are not a re-enactment company which distinguishes us from most other minutemen companies in the area. Dressing in period clothing can be fun, but it’s not a requirement for membership. Many of our members are content to be less visible, but just as effective in supporting their community. If you’d like further information or would like to attend one of our meetings please contact us at captain@boxboroughminutemen.org.
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